We had prayed to see a moose on our girl trip, so we were thrilled when we rounded the corner to see this incredible guy at the side of the road. Friend Les at the wheel was well-acquainted with the habits of Colorado wildlife. She had cautioned me before about how fast a moose can move; but I was still taken by surprise at the quick mental and physical process he went through of choosing to charge us or retreat down the steep mountainside. Thankfully, he turned and picked up speed so much that he was but a blurry mass easily maneuvering the steepness of his escape route. His diminuative backside was quite a contrast to the massive shoulders and rack we encountered but a short distance from the car a few moments before.
I thought about how we all will find huge, dark, dangerous things in the middle of our paths at points in our lives. But those very things, passed, will have added a depth and maturity to our journeys. They will grow our faith and compassion, teach us perseverence, and give us witness to encourage others and extend to them the hope of conquering the huge darkness which seems impassible.