My daughter and I had several months since the Christmas morning engagement to prepare for her wedding. She asked if I would make her gown. With much trepidation I suggested that we look for a pattern, but before I sew it see if we might find something already made that was like what she wanted.
We found the dress, but it needed alterations. As the wedding neared, we had to go back three times to get it fitted properly. Amy had selected a veil that had a red satin trim on the edge. She had purchased tiny red beads for me to sew into the center of the small flowers that edged the bodice.
Finally, a few days before the wedding, we got the dress and I began the task of replacing the white beads with the red ones. As I got into the rhythm of attaching them, I accidentally pricked my finger with the needle and left a small dot of blood on the dress. I panicked, but decided to leave it because it was so small and trying to fix it might make a bigger mess.
The whole issue of my blood on her wedding dress had me bursting into tears. I believe that most parents would lay down their lives for their children. My child's birth came with blood, and this intensive labor of love on her wedding gown also came with a blood sacrifice.
Christ came as the Lamb of God to Earth, to give his life for God's children. The spiritual wedding gown is a blood issue. He makes us his holy bride through the sacrifice of his own body, once for all...
Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said:
"Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. Then I said, 'Here I am~it is written about me in the scroll~I have come to do your will, O God.' "
Hebrews 10:5-7
Talk about a labor of love!!!
This is a beautiful post (not to mention a beautiful gown)!
thank you...I wonder if my daughter will go looking for the spot of blood when she reads the post???
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