Before my trip to Colorado I believed the Holy Spirit gave me two visions that would become manifested on my trip. One was seeing snow on beautiful aspen foliage. The other was getting to see 'Little' deer while I was there. Those promises, as you can see, were fulfilled. I have amazing things to show you in coming posts.
I have always scheduled my fall trip in the latter third of September. This trip starting in the second week of October meant that I would be in the waning stages of peak color. It is possible that weather and snow conditions would have already made it necessary to close several passes. In fact, the weather forecast for the past week was not promising for good sunny days. But it seemed that the Lord lead the way on our road travels with marvelous timing of grace to capture snow and sun, travel all open passes, and seek out those wonderful uncharted invitations to go down unknown roads safely. My friend would disagree that the 'goat' trail we found ourselves on north of Gothic was any kind of safe fun.
As for the wonderful deer photographed above, I had not had the pleasure to see her again for the last couple of years. But upon my arrival this year, it didn't take her long to make an appearance. She came to see me often and would cock her lovely ears as I chatted with her, like she was wonderfully absorbing and agreeing with my expressions of love to her.
I first made her acquaintance on the last morning of my January 2000 trip. I had gotten up early to read the Bible before heading for the airport. Just as I was reading Luke 12:32, I looked up to see her staring at me through the picture window of the cabin on Evergreen Mountain. Because of the verse, we named her 'Little Flock.'
Do not fear, little flock,
for it is your Father's good pleasure
to give you the kingdom.
Luke 12:32
Those red leaves made me think of fire and ice!
Eye contact with 'Little' - that is a great image.
I remembered to take my hood, so I could shoot directly into the sun and get those wonderful ice pictures. I was in heaven!
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