Because of the contrast of light and darkness in the stormy sky this Easter evening I found myself looking up scriptures to see what I was led to share about the photos. I could see a star shape in one photo; a face in another. A few seemed to be showing warfare between light and darkness in the heavens; a very battle for our souls.
The good news about Easter is that Light/Life/Love wins. I love the scriptures I found in 1 John, and hope they will give you great joy and confirmation about Jesus and the resurrection, and a stirring up of gratitude for the greatest gift ever given. It was to me a testimony of repeating to us that fact that these men saw him, touched him, heard him, loved him. More than that, it was a reconfirming of his identity for all time and the reason for his becoming a man and dying for us.
1 John 1-7
(emphasis mine)
That which was FROM THE BEGINNING, which WE HAVE HEARD, which WE HAVE SEEN WITH OUR EYES, which WE HAVE LOOKED AT and OUR HANDS HAVE TOUCHED~~this we proclaim concerning the WORD of LIFE. The LIFE appeared, WE HAVE SEEN IT and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the ETERNAL LIFE, which WAS WITH THE FATHER and HAS APPEARED TO US. We proclaim to you what WE HAVE SEEN AND HEARD, so that YOU ALSO may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the FATHER and with HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST. We write this to make our joy complete.
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: GOD IS LIGHT; in him THERE IS NO DARKNESS AT ALL. if we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk IN THE LIGHT, as HE IS IN THE LIGHT, we have fellowship with one another, and THE BLOOD OF JESUS, HIS SON, PURIFIES US FROM ALL SIN.
I hope this Easter yielded deepening of your faith and a recommitment to a spiritual union with the LIGHT and LIFE of Jesus. He sacrificed himself to atone for the sins of the whole world.
We no longer need to fear death because He has overcome it, and we can look forward with confidence to a future with Him. There is no fear in love; we love because he first loved us. God has given us eternal life in His son, Hallelujah!
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