Heavy snows in Utah captured on dormer windows and roofs brought back childhood memories in Nebraska. I still don't enjoy scooping it or driving in it, but I am complelled to go play in freshly fallen snow. We lived 7 miles out in the country, and occasionally would have a cancelled day of school due to heavy snow. I remember one blizzard on March 22 that literally covered telephone poles. We were out of school for a few weeks because buses could not get to the country houses. We had propane for cooking and melting water, and plenty of candles and propane lamps for reading.
Our children were amazed when we moved to Texas that school would be cancelled because it was
very cold, or there was a
small amount of ice on the roads. The sparce flurries here will find my daughters, me, and my grandchildren outside playing, and catching flakes on our tongues. We will diligently try to make snowmen out of two inches of snow.
A ton of pristine snow is not a reason to stay inside when the 'child' is calling out to make the first snow angels or snowmen. Those days of heavy snow on the farm in Nebraska would only find us inside seeking some hot chocolate or warming our back sides enough to go out again. We would find various things to use as sleds, or make snow forts from which to attack the other team of siblings with a ton of snow balls.
Makes me wonder...how have you 'played' lately, and come as a child to give
giggling thanks to the SNOWMAKER, or RAINMAKER, or SUNMAKER,
the author of it all, for giving you the desire to go out and enjoy His creation?
Shout for joy to the Lord!
Psalm 100:1