Thursday, November 6, 2008

Path of Life

When I am out on the road it is difficult to ignore the invitation to go down a beautiful path like these three. One ended in some swampy bottoms teeming with life. We were all alone in a beautiful garden. Another was in the middle of Maplewood Cemetery. Beautiful also. The third went high up to a hillside covered with deep pink leaves. Each invitation led to a hidden gift from the roads less traveled.

Through each perplexing path of life
our wand'ring footsteps guide;
Give us each day our daily bread,
And raiment fit provide.

from O God of Bethel,
by Philip Doddridge


Pierre Alexander said...

If you're as good as musician as a photographer, I'll buy your CD a hundred times

Connie said...

wow! merci pierre! I really needed some encouragement today. merci beaucoup...

we are working on getting some bits of my music on my blog. thanks again for the visit (c;

Missy said...

Yes, I'll have to agree with Pierre! I love these deep late fall color in the leaves you've captured - a sign of maturity in nature.

Connie, I now live in the town where Robert Frost actually penned most of his poetry - he either wrote it while here or about here, including "The Road Not Taken."

You have such an adventurous heart to go where the Lord leads, seemingly without fear. What a beautiful example you are!

Connie said...

I remember memorizing that when I was in junior high school. Something in it always called me to the wild side. That 'calling' of the wild has put me in position to get some good photographs.

You definitely have a rich heritage to search living in Robert Frost's stomping ground!

karen said...
