Monday, October 24, 2011

Be Imitators of God

As we traveled the almost empty roads of Northern Michigan country we were treated with many reflections of fall foliage in lakes. Anytime I see reflections I pray that I might be looking more like Him each day. My feet walk off the path and my defiance gets me lost, until my prodigal stubborn heart again is willing to turn back from the path not of His choosing. Sometimes I don't realize I have gotten off the path until I hear some unloving thought or word come out of me.

I must say these days that it is not always love and humility being shown by Christians in the spotlight. Many times words are, embarrassingly, judgmental and arrogant. I think of the hymn verse of 'they will know we are Christians by our love.' That doesn't get conveyed when we beat folks up that don't agree with our belief.

If we boast in anything, let it be the Lord, Himself. His will, not ours, is the standard. Nobody has ever walked perfectly but One. It doesn't mean that we should quit trying to do everything unto Him; gathering grace and wisdom when we fail.

Trying to force our beliefs and choices on someone else will probably get the opposite reaction that we desire as His disciples. Sort of the reaction of 'a man convinced against His will is of the same opinion, still'. Love, humility, service; pathways of the fruits of the Spirit: those are the things of God put in us to be His Light in this world of self-will and misery.

God knows that becoming imitators of Himself takes a relationship of abandoning ourselves to Him and becoming willing to listen and follow. Nothing in the world is more worth the effort than to hear some day, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

I encourage you to go out and be imitators of God today. Smile, be joyful, and full of random acts of kindness. Walk humbly, and boast in the Lord. Let His peace rule your heart and His light shine from it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that Connie. My favorite phrase in the bible is the Whatever verses. They remind us what is right and true. Gave your card to my boss. Thank you.