Here I am with my grandson, Charlie. Yesterday we celebrated his fourth birthday. He is an amazing boy with such a loving, sweet and joyful spirit. Don't get me wrong...he is not always nice and kind, especially to his older sister. But I think that is pretty normal sibling stuff. The thing that gets me about this young man is his sweet disposition. When grilled by family members for birthday gift ideas, he would simply say that whatever we got him he would like. It should be a surprise. Remember, this is coming from a 4yr. old boy! What joy and pride filled my heart! This child knows that he is loved by many, no matter what stuff he does or doesn't get for his birthday.
Well, it was time for the arrival of the afternoon party guests. Mama had baked and designed a firetruck cake. The living room was filled with balloons. Charlie was free with hugs and kisses. Full of energy, he greeted the attendants and escorted them inside. He was patient to let the eating and conversation pass. Then it was time to open the gifts. Three times in response to three different gifts, as if each was the favorite and most especially prized of all, he responded to the contents with the exuberant phrase...
"I have been wanting this for YEARS!"
It reminds me of William Young's phrase used by the character representing God in his book, 'The Shack". The character says quite often:
"I am especially fond of that one."
Each of us is His precious, prized creation. We may be humbled that God is especially fond of us and don't really deserve it. But at the same time, we will still be judgmental and stunned with disbelief that He could be fond of some of the other ones He made. It is hard to get our works mentality around being loved not for what we have done, but who we are:
God's children.
Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
And whoever welcomes a little child like this one in my name welcomes me.
Matt. 18:4-5
See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father...if a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.
Beautiful, Connie! Just beautiful! What a beautiful gal you are and your little grandson, Charlie! He's a real cutie, too!
I was scared to death when my daughter told us she was having a boy. I had two girls, and had much anxiety about how to relate to little boys. Charlie has made it a delightful journey!
Dear Connie ... I raised 2 boys and they always remain my "babies" even in their 40s! Once you get use to them, they're not so scary! Enjoy Charlie because they grow up just too fast! Hugs!!
yes, it is quite a shock that both my girls are over 30! I don't know how that happened so fast!
you may have older children but you are the most with it woman I know when it comes to coordinating what you and the "bossman" wear
Dear Anonymous...
If I can continue to build strength and coordination in my physical body as well as I coordinate my clothing, I may be skiing 'blues' next season, and not just wearing 'blues'. haha
Charlie is so charming!
My Ruthie, no less than 3 times a week, exclaims that "this is the best day of my life!"
Their joy is a beautiful thing.
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