Saturday, February 21, 2009


I found myself being drawn repeatedly in the gardens on Friday to ruffles. There were ruffled daffodils, ornamental cabbages, jonquils, and brilliant poppies at every turn. I am definitely a girly-girl, and am drawn to things with ruffles. I like ruffled blouses, ruffled skirt bottoms, ruffled baby pants, ruffled edges on table dressings, ruffled potato chips; just to name a few.

I DO NOT like ruffles in my plans, my retirement fund, my health, unexpected weather, and such other depressing world attitudes and circumstances out of my control. Aha! There lies the rub about being ruffled by circumstances. There are things I can't do anything about, and things I can and need to do something about.

Someone once suggested a helpful interpretation of the Serenity Prayer, which I have added to in my own words:
Serenity to accept the things I cannot change (such as many circumstances, the weather, other people, world wars and financial crises, ad infinitum.)
Courage to change the things I can (with God's help!!!)(such as my attitude, the plans etched in stone, my focus from external ups and downs back to internal hope, responsible choices in things I eat and buy and watch, worrying and being negative.)
Wisdom to know the difference (that comes to me via a vital relationship with the triune God who works in me hope and faith so that I am not swept away by circumstances that cause me to lose my peace and joy.)

When I get invitations to worry, my life verses have been:

... all things work together for good for those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Acknowledge him in all ways and He will direct your path.
Prov. 3:6


karen said...

Nature's all gussied up!

Chris C said...

I've always loved Romans 8 also. Connie, I love your blog so much. How do you know just what I need to hear?

Love ya,
