I had quite a time with the birds in the garden yesterday. They were busy gathering seeds and singing songs. It was a delightful game getting a little closer and catching each of these in a photograph.
In particular, I noted the song of a cardinal near to me. They can be quite elusive, so I peeled my eyes to any dot of red amongst the bare branches. Then I caught a glimpse of him tucked almost entirely behind a large branch high above me. Soon, I heard his song again, sounding to me clearly like, "I am a pretty bird!" He flew to a spot more observable by me, and repeated the proud flirtation. I sang back to him the same notes. He puffed up his proud self, fluttered his wings, and repeated the chorus. At this point I was entirely captivated by his courting antics. I didn't much care if somebody came by hearing me sing a love song to the cardinal, unless they scared him away! They could think me foolish, but I was in a wonderful place of being able to sing a spring duet with a beautiful partner. I raised the camera slowly to my eye, sang to him of his beauty, and got him just as he puffed up.
Isn't it wonderful that God gave us languages, but also the creative idea of putting words into rhythms and tones to make songs! Those God-given vocal instruments help us praise, grieve, celebrate, meditate, play, be more fully human and more expressive in loving one another and God.
Some of God's suggestions:
Sing unto the Lord as long as you live...
Sing and give praise...
Sing among the branches...
Sing with the Spirit...
Sing with understanding...
Sing, O Heavens!
Trees of the wood, sing out!
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