As one of our hikes took a turn down to the river, we came upon a section of the water that seemed stagnant and dead. In plain language, it was yucky. Just a step away from taking a picture of a black bee on a dead head of grass, we turned our eyes downstream to see a much different ethereal river, lush and green; teeming with life. It was gorgeous and rich with light, though it had a covering of limbs and shade. The reflections and smells were magnificent. I don't know if it will translate to you in this picture, but I know it will be a place I go visit in my dreams or perhaps the dentist's chair. Beautiful to revisit and know that I was there. The Garden of Eden came to mind. It seemed to transport us out of time into that place of peace. It was hard for me to leave it. I am glad God gave us memory so I can revisit it.
After returning from a trip I wade through my pictures, listening for messages to match each photo. This one, with the contrast in water only a foot apart, seemed to scream of a full and good life that God has for us. I know the good shepherd led me to see this place, one of our divine appointments, to demonstrate his parable:
The person that enters through me will be saved. That person will be able to come in and go out. He will find everything he needs. A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life~~life that is full and good. Jn. 10:9-10
Easy-to-Read Version, World Holy Bible
I grew up in western Nebraska. Things were pretty plain and simple. I find the words, 'full and good' right down my alley. Abundant life? Don't know that I would wear that t-shirt. But a life that is 'full and good'? I 'get' that, and I got that, and continue to be given an incredible life that is full and good. God is Good, and has been good to me.
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