Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Children's Children

My journey in life has taken me through abuse, addiction, and cancer. Surviving each one has given me an appreciation for every day. I had the cancer occur when I had two young children. I wondered if I would get to see them grow to adult women.

Well...I spent this morning with my two grandchildren in a field of pumpkins. They couldn't wait to call me this evening, inviting me to see the finished jack-0-lanterns! It is a treasure beyond description to have the love and respect of my grown children and the giddy delight on the faces of my children's children when they see me. The Lord has done great things for me!

These are scriptures close to my heart:

...and may you live to see your children's children. Ps. 128:6

Restore our fortunes, O Lord,

like streams in the Negev.

Those who sow in tears

will reap with songs of joy.

He who goes out weeping,

carrying seed to sow,

will return with songs of joy,

carrying sheaves with him.

Ps. 125:4-6


Melissa said...

What a gift! We are so glad to came but sad you had to leave so early. It is always fun to share your company. I cannot wait to see more of your pictures!

Connie said...

Hey Melissa,
Thanks for being such a blessing to my family!

Missy said...

Beautiful grandchildren and thank you for the psalm. Bless you!

Connie said...

Missy, Happy Birthdays! Your boundaries have fallen in pleasant places, also! (Ps. 16:6)

Anonymous said...

The Psalms are a great comfort to us aren't they? Blessings to you.

karen said...

you're a blessing, sistah!