I was fortunate to get a photo of this Blue Morpho on my last trip to see the butterflies. These are especially difficult to catch, because as soon as they light they close up to this very plain brown color of the underwings. I am amazed at the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly; what beauty comes forth in the new life.
...through the glory of the Father,
we too may live a new life.
If we have been united with him like this
in his death, we will certainly also
be united with him in his resurrection.
Romans 6:4-5
Connie! I've been using my (newer) laptop lately in which you were not paginated, so I've missed glancing in on you while I've worked. :(
I've caught up (loved the penquin!). I also love this butterfly. It made me think about making new friends, and the patience it takes to wait until someone opens up. And then, of course, how rewarding that can be! And if you don't stop to think that what you might see will surprise or please you that you might just glance a "how'dya do?" and miss it.
I needed that encouragement to be patient before I put my head to rest tonight. Thanks, sis!
lovely comment...I thought about, especially with this butterfly, how seeing the brpwm side would not have drawn many to it, but the beauty on the inside is incredible. Scripture implies that Jesus was not what was considered to be 'handsome', but could anyone be more beautiful?
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