There is something about seeing two flowers together that seem set apart from the rest. It is as though they have teamed up for an adventure or a project. They are facing the sun and the cold together. They can see the beauty and worth of the 'other', and yet be there to lift up when the other stumbles.
A good marriage, a good friend, a trustworthy co-worker, or a stranger that needs a good Samaritan...they are all times where one is called to help the other. Be alert for those times when you are the one who needs to humbly accept the help of another, and when another needs you to be the one to share an encouragement, a resource, or an ability.
Today I watched my granddaughter share her big beach towel with a classmate after a watery race at her school Field Day. It was awesome to see the giving of what she had to comfort another. She opened her arms and took the other girl into the warmth of her arms and towel. That little movie will stay in my head for a long time! What a blessing!
Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
Ecc. 4:9-10
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