Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Let There Be Light!

God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
Genesis 1:3


God not only created light, but put in front of us a whole menu tonight in Ft. Worth. We had dark clouds full of rain followed by a double rainbow, a beautiful sunset, and an orange background for a flight of birds. Then, as the sky faded and only darkness seemed to loom, the sky cracked lightning just as I was about to put the camera away. What an amazing, living creator we have!!!


I will be leaving for two weeks, so will be having a break in postings. I will be back with treasures around June 10th.
I know God will give me amazing things to share with you. He is SO GOOD!
<>< c


Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous!
I saw that double rainbow last night!!!! What a treat!

karen said...

Have a safe trip.
Beautiful pics.

Connie said...

Can't wait to get on the road and smell those mountains!