Hubby opted for a long run instead of another motorcycle ride this afternoon. Yesterday and today were glorious. I blessed him to go out on foot as I left to drive through the country roads savoring the tail end of the wildflower season in Texas. We will soon be in the sweltering, dry and crispy Texas summer. Wildflowers will have to be sought after by visiting other places.
We finally got some decent rain and the Indian blankets are rallying. They were the first I saw this year, and are now covering fields along with later bloomers. I was also seeing, in the last week, the field cacti starting to bloom. For the most part they are yellow. But sometimes there are mixed blooms of orange, coral, and yellow on the same plant. I went out today mainly searching for the multi-colored blooms. I came by these this afternoon.
A blooming cactus reminds me that we are not promised a thorn-free life. We will have trouble. Jesus certainly had his share! There is such beauty in life not to be missed by dwelling on the thorns. We don't lose heart because we know we are being renewed daily as we continue to fix our eyes upon Jesus.
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
2 Cor. 4:17
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