On my trips I often ask God to show me His wonders and promise in return that I will brag on Him.
That is really the essence of this blog.
I will tell of all your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in you;
I will sing praise to your name,
O Most High.
Psalm 9:1-2
Standing on the rim of these two canyons, I asked myself the Psalm 8 question of 'what is man that you are mindful of him?'
I felt so very small next to these majestic paths. The first four shots are at the Perrine Bridge spanning the Snake River Canyon at Twin Falls. Yes, the water looked like someone had poured coloring in it for a St. Patty's Day celebration. The dirt ramp that slants toward the canyon in the fourth picture is the site where Evel Knievel tried to jump across the Snake River Canyon in his sky cycle.
The last two shots are at the canyon at Swan Falls south of Boise designated as Birds of Prey Natural Area. Many raptors caught currents of wind from their perches on the canyon walls. They circled over the expansive canyon with eyes peeled for a little movement that would mean a tasty meal. We saw vultures, eagles, hawks, and red-winged blackbirds there.
Psalm 8 says that God has made us rulers over the works of His hands; put everything under our feet.
What a majestic God we serve! I will tell of all His wonders!
Connie, I have been returning to your pictures every break I have today! I flew over the Grand Canyon last summer, but our tour to visit was washed out. We still laugh at the irony of the desert flood we witnessed. I was awestruck as we flew over. Thank you for bringing these canyons to me!
BTW - We are planning a trip specially designed to find moose! You've inspired me. :)
Good luck on the moose hunt! We saw four on this trip. I will post a few later.
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