I am at a stage of cleaning out my closet again. It happens often after a vacation that reminds me too much stuff, too much busyness, too much television, too much negativity draws the attention away from the joy and peace of the Father. I wanted to share with you some of my favorite photos that especially covered me in joy and peace, as I enjoyed some of the Father's gardens.
I found this lovely quote in a book this morning and want to share it with you:
Let go of the people who cause constant pain; let go of the negativity that colors a room more darkly than any coat of paint. Keep close the people you love, the ones who stay engaged and open to life, who bring joy and peace to the house and garden.
~~Dominique Browning~~
A cheereful heart is good medicine.,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22
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