Being an introvert, in relation to how I get energized, I can tell you that I really need to have some time by myself; especially after being cramped into an event with hundreds of people. I think that is okay. I know that Jesus had to go be alone with the Father to get refreshed. Guess I'm not in bad company.
Other times, it is very precious to spend time with just one other person. Most of the time, for me, it is with my spouse, a grown child, or a very good friend. I know I treasure my adventures with my husband, grown daughters, grand children, and with my good friends. Seeing something for the first time and being there with someone you love sometimes multiplies the 'WOW' factor. Those times make special places in the heart to remember acts of courage, times of persistence in finishing a steep trail, or times to giggle and shed tears of gratitude for the opportunities together. They help us to remember to help one another have courage and make us witnesses of overcoming. They are treasures higher than silver and gold.
One of the things I struggle with is the chant on my shoulder of not being good enough. I know I can do lots of things well, but still stumble into the 'not measuring up' pot. I hold onto the healing balm of my heavenly Father that I do not need to 'do' anything in order to be loved by Him. But at the same time, I am called to give my life for Him, and long to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant!".
I have some times coming where I really need to lean into the experience, strength, and hope of God working in my life. We all do, don't we? Getting away by myself or with one or two others is essential in my life to being able to get refreshed and restored to sanity.
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