I went out this morning to capture some blooms of spring that I had noticed yesterday. My quest quickly was diverted to the flight of gulls as I caught sight of the beautiful lone flyer. I remembered seeing gulls in the parking lot of Sam's before, so headed there to get gas and see if there might be more. I was delighted to find several, and a few other human travelers enjoying them as well. One fellow was throwing bread up into the air, and that lent itself to some fabulous antics and wing configurations as the birds fought to grab the morsel first.
You know, I don't think these creatures could have been any more beautiful if they had been on some swanky beach in Florida. The graceful gliding indeed reminds me that God has liberated me. My spirit soars as I thank my Savior for setting my soul free!
Now the Lord is the Spirit,
and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom.
2 Cor. 3:17
One of my favorite books (from the late 60's) is Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. These photos reminded me of that book. Enjoyed !!
Liz, me, too! I will be posting many more because of the bread tosser. It was amazing watching them this morning! I forget that I am free in Christ! Good that He sent some gulls my way this morning to remind me!
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