(I will be taking a break for a few days, so doubled up on my posts until early next week. Be back soon....<>< c)
These are photographs of Tuzigoot National Monument that were taken on our recent trip to Arizona. We were the only people visiting, so it was a quiet and reflective time to wonder about the civilization that gathered stones to build these structures. They were constructed on a hill in the middle of lush valleys and a river. I could imagine the watchers, hunters, meals being prepared; the job of each who lived there to support and defend the culture. At some point this civilization disappeared, and the cause is not known.
I wondered how and who taught them to build these structures. They were probably taught some skills by visitors and others by ancestors just how to put the walls together from the clearing and leveling of land to the finishing touches necessary to keep out rain and wind. I wonder what songs they sang, what prayers they said, what traditions and customs they practiced.
I know even living in a new house that a minor structural problem can lead to severe problems. It is important for bricks to be laid straight and foundations to be sound. Each stone is important, but the cornerstone is essential for the structure to be sound. God builds us as living stones into his spiritual temple. Jesus is the cornerstone of that temple.
As you come to him, the living Stone~~rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him~~you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood.
1 Peter 2:4-5
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