This morning, while walking along the creek banks, I saw three ducks swimming through the icy water. When they caught wind of me they all took flight into the freezing and gusty air above the water. Two flew south and the other flew north into the wind. It was amazing to watch him literally stay in place as he fought against the wind to make progress. He turned west and was quickly out of sight because he was no longer fighting the wind.
How often do we try to make something happen by doing the same old thing, yet expecting different results? How often do we pursue our own will and not yield to the path that God has set for us? We stubbornly fly into the wind, fighting everything and everybody. We want our way, and we become miserable in the continuing struggle.
How about a different option...Plan 'G' (God). We can choose to fly underneath His wing. We can know without a doubt that His banner over us is Love. We can practice acceptance and give the things we cannot change to Him. We can change our attitude, our behavior (with God's help), and our focus. Acceptance is the key.
Just because we have faith does not ensure a life with a smooth flight plan. Accepting life on life's terms is difficult. Sometimes we are called to give up something. Other times we are called to take on some things that are, at best, difficult. But we can be sure of our traveling companion and the gifts of the spirit that will help us navigate the path He has laid before us.
Acknowledge Him in all ways and He will direct your path.
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